Tuesday, October 22, 2019

An Old Fashion Dog Fight in the Big Apple essays

An Old Fashion Dog Fight in the Big Apple essays An Old Fashion Dog Fight in the Big Apple: The 1998 U.S. Senate race in New York is one of the most heated and competitive political battles in the country. New York has traditionally been a place where only the strong willed, and tough at heart could compete; a place where crafty tactics, extensive connections, and stocks of cash are essential aspects of political competition. This years combat field of a campaign has been no exception. The two primary candidates, 60 year old, incumbent, republican, Alfonse DAmato, and 47 year old, democratic challenger, Charles E. Schumer, have been pitted against each other, head to head, for much of the campaign. Both candidates have strong backgrounds and powerful messages while also pursuing rather abrasive, aggressive, and, in some instances, vindictive strategies. Most current polls have the two contestants neck and neck, with Schumer gaining a slight advantage in recent days. The fact of the matter is that DAmato is a strong politician that knows how to get things done; howev er, he also flaunts a capricious, and impulsive style. With Al D'Amato, what you see is what you get, and what you get is often vital, sometimes useful and always unpredictable.1 Schumer, on the other hand, offers the qualities of a serious lawmaker with more rooted values, sounder policy positions and a deeper commitment to the common good; in addition, a deeper compassion for the average citizen, and a professional tact and probity that each and every politician should exhibit. It seems that it is time for a change; New York needs to be able to supply the Senate and our nation with strong and balanced leadership. Leadership that best benefits, reflects, and represents the quite diverse and heterogeneous population of New York. It seems that the people of New York, might have just had enough with DAmato and his consistent embarrassing remarks and behavior on the floor of o...

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